This is my first entry here. I am taking over updating the website. Let us see what we can do! Let us have a kick start!
March 3, 2005 07:47 PM | « Previous | Main | Next »
Posted by: Silus Grok at March 4, 2005 02:40 AMi just wanted to say that I am truely fond of the Tintin chronicles and I have enjoyed reading of his exploits (can you say that in english?). Even though he may be fictional, Herge brought about an air of reality to it by adding current personalities such as Al Capone. He portrayed in an eloquent fashion global issues and truely brought out the true clors of diffeent cultures and spoke so many languages(Russian, Arabic, Spanish and a bit of English [keeping in mind that Tinin originated in Belgium]). He also brought up past relics and true characters such as Rascar Capac, who did exist. And Geographicaly he is acurate (See the book 'le tresor de Racham le Rouge') I've read Tintin in english and in french, personaly i prefer french (even though I'm American) but in english i was just as branched as i was reading it in french. Good Website, keep up the good work.
Posted by: rascar tulasi capac at April 8, 2005 08:03 PM
Pachacamac is really Inca!
Tintin & Citroen!
Tintin Spoofs
Original "Castafiore" cover sketch
deleted "Cigars ..." scenes
See one page of every album
More Tintin Movie News
Tintin Movie News
In Pictures, Tintin Exhibition
Tintin and Citroen
Do-it-Yourself Garage Door
New Section: Features
Herge Auction
Missing page from the Picaros (English)
No, this is not from the new Spielberg movie!
Merry Christmas!